The Walking Season

Walks booklets

It’s a lovely time to get out walking in West Yorkshire and my friend Heather, now living in exile in Staffordshire (which she tells me is also brilliant for walking) has ordered a couple of my walks books for a friend of hers who lives on the fringe of Pontefract’s liquorice country, as featured in my full colour booklet, All Sorts of Walks in Liquorice Country.

I want the one with the walk from the Chantry Bridge to Featherstone. I think it a splendid walk, and the book will make a lovely present for my friend.


The Robin Hood booklet, also in full colour, also includes walks around Pontefract and in Brockadale, Wentbridge, where Sayles, a rocky outcrop overlooking the old Great North Road, features in the earliest surviving Robin Hood ballad.

I’m posting these booklets to her friend with a bookmark with a message from Heather and an artist’s impression of Heather on a recent trek she made up a hill.

If you’d like these two booklets, along with a hand-drawn bookmark please use the link below before the end of the month. Please message me via PayPal or e-mail me via the link on my contact page to let me know what you’d like drawing on the bookmark.


Liquorice walks

Two walks booklets: All Sorts of Walks in Liquorice Country and Walks in Robin Hood’s Yorkshire, plus one hand-drawn bookmark, including International Standard postage, £16.00

Rough Patch: postage to Canada

Rough Patch offer

‘. . . earthy through and through. You can feel the garden, the weather, watch the wildlife and smell the seasons through its pages.’

Liz Wright, Smallholder magazine

It’s also a great time to get out in the garden with a sketchbook, so if you’d like a copy of my paperback, Rough Patch (post free, half price but hand-drawn bookmark not included!), please order it via my website:

This booklet has recently proved popular with garden journalers and I’ve had an enquiry from Canada. If you’d like me to post a copy to you in Canada, please use the link below before the end of this month.

Rough Patch, plus International Standard postage to Canada:


A walk through Addingford, Horbury, alongside the River Calder this morning.

Halfpenny Lane

John, who was doing well this morning after a not-so-good weekend, has a view of a grassy bank with cherry trees from his room on the sunny side of the Prince of Wales Hospice, Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract.

The local bus, which I painted from memory with a red stripe was actually blue, as I realised when I saw the next one come around.

My All Sorts of Walks in Liquorice Country features a walk along Halfpenny Lane and my Walks in Robin Hood’s Yorkshire also has a Pontefract connection. Now available on the Prince of Wales Hospice bookshelf!

walks booklets

Five weeks ago this morning, while I drew Canada geese, John and Barbara walked around Newmillerdam Lake, a circuit of about two miles. Four weeks ago he wasn’t feeling so good and they walked by the duck pond in Thornes Park. This morning walking to the other side of the room and back was quite an achievement.